'Again and again and again'. 2024
Exhibited at de Kelder, Arnhem during 'Felle Ellende: Purgamentum', group exhibition in collaboration with Collectief Koppig.
The current breaks, circular current starts. I turn into an eddy, I need it more than ever. It flows, it streams, I chug it while it cleans me. I should start gardening again, I should stop drinking. the seeds start growing again and again and again.
metal, gouache, film stills, graphite and paper.
soundscape made during residency 'Thûskomme' at Tryater, Friesland.

12-headed ceramic choir, part of 'Nachtflinter'
Yn myn lichem is it tsjuster, as de deis komt sil ik fleane
Installation, 2024
'Nachtflinter' is an audio-visual installation exploring the night life. Ceramic sculptures, gouache painting and a canopy bed all came together in a space where visitors could lay down and dive into the publication ‘Kiss the swan on its beak’ while listening to 10 hour-long dreamy soundscapes on synthesizer and electronic machines.
This installation was showcased at Fries Museum Leeuwarden, Friesland during Museumnacht in collaboration with Voorheen de Gemeente.

"Kiss the swan on its beak"
48 pages, gouache paintings, 2024, edition of 75
Hop on an otherworldly adventure guided by a frog, as you pass through a mystical mirror portal to reach an oasis where all species harmoniously coexist.

Mirror Mirror
Graphite and oil on custom shape wooden frames
Published in Snail Eye Magazine, 2022

F*ck it, We're going to New York
Interactive installation, mixed media, 2021
Graduation show @ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten ArtEZ

Speculative Fiction
oil pastel and graphite, 2021
commissioned for ArtEZ

Love Galore
gouache, satin ribbon sculpted with ecological hardener, 2023
graphite, glass, satin ribbon with ecological hardener, 2023

spread from 'Kiss the swan on its beak'
gouache on paper, 2024